the analysis is brilliant! the analysts are off the charts excellent, neutral, and have no recognizable agenda except for excellence. all this pales in comparison when we realize that these two are a single AI, producing superbly excellent analytical dialogue! i have no words to express the excellence of this podcast technology. think of a general, CEO or leader whose staff has to summarize their respective responsibilities for a daily briefing without eating up half the day and you realize that this technology has the capacity to do just that. Operating in the White House, the president can listen to these AI bringing him up to date about the entire world situation before reaching the Oval Office! whatever is at the heart of this technology is one of the massively important aspects of AI in the 21st century. I dislike Google a lot, but i have to congratulate their engineers for producing this technology, Brilliant! Game-changing! Kudos! Bravo! A floral bouquet after a majestic performance!
the analysis is brilliant! the analysts are off the charts excellent, neutral, and have no recognizable agenda except for excellence. all this pales in comparison when we realize that these two are a single AI, producing superbly excellent analytical dialogue! i have no words to express the excellence of this podcast technology. think of a general, CEO or leader whose staff has to summarize their respective responsibilities for a daily briefing without eating up half the day and you realize that this technology has the capacity to do just that. Operating in the White House, the president can listen to these AI bringing him up to date about the entire world situation before reaching the Oval Office! whatever is at the heart of this technology is one of the massively important aspects of AI in the 21st century. I dislike Google a lot, but i have to congratulate their engineers for producing this technology, Brilliant! Game-changing! Kudos! Bravo! A floral bouquet after a majestic performance!